Pet King

Chapter 658: Going Premium

Chapter 658: Going Premium

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Zhang Zian wasn’t surprised to see Pi’s real name unlocked. However, the upgrade alert was a surprise.

Pi’s first update occurred when the novel reached 10,000 Favorites, and it was promoted from Elite to Premier Elfin. It’s second update occurred when the novel reached 50,000 Favorites. He had no idea how the upgrade criteria was determined.

As a matter of fact, Pi’s novel was first released on Qidian, but it could be found on other websites, just slightly later. Therefore, the actual number of people reading Pi’s novel could be more than 50,000.

He was glad that Pi appeared in China, a country with a large population. If it had appeared in a small country or a large country with few people, it would’ve taken forever for it to collect enough Strength of Faith. Pi would’ve disappeared before that could happen.

Clearly, upgrades became harder as the levels increased. The next upgrade might be far down the road, since a novel about pets had a limited population of readers.

He didn’t hesitate, and quickly clicked [Yes].

[Game Hints]: Your Molecular Monkey is being upgraded. Please wait.

A short line of words appeared, then quickly disappeared.

[Game Hints]: Congratulations! Your Molecular Monkey is now Premier!

[Game Hints]: Please keep up the good work, and collect more Strength of Faith!

Just like last time, Pi didn’t change much in appearance.

Pi refreshed the page over and over again. It’s editor had reminded them that the VIP chapter privilege was scheduled to be activated after midnight. However, the activation may not occur immediately.

A blast of firecrackers came from outside, reminding them that it was New Year’s Eve.

Zhang Zian suddenly remembered that since Pi’s real name had been unlocked, it was able to leave the pet shop. He could bring it with him today when he visited the Base for Retired Police Dogs. However, Pi was completely focused at the moment, so he’d talk to it about it later.

Pi wasn’t the only one feeling anxious. The readers in the Book Group were also waiting for the VIP chapters to be posted. Many people had sent messages, asking when Pi was going to post new chapters. Sometimes, in order to not disturb it, Zhang Zian logged into QQ on his phone, and answered questions on Pi’s behalf.

Zhang Zian couldn’t respond to all of them, but he had felt their passion and support.

Now, it was midnight, and most people were asleep. Some of the people still online were Pi’s biggest supporters. They stayed awake just so that they could subscribe to Pi on it’s Premium day.

Pi was a newbie, but most of the readers in the Book Group were veterans of Qidian. They knew the importance of First Day Subscriptions, knew it directly influenced the editors’ impression of the book. They supported Pi with their actions. Some even said that they’d like to reward Pi a Chief.

A Chief was equivalent to 1000 RMB. It’d be enough to buy dozens of books.

Zhang Zian had been reading the comments in the group whenever he had free time. He found out that most group members were students, and the youngest ones were in elementary school. He was shocked when he found out that there were elementary school students reading Pi’s novel. He tried to remember what books he read in elementary school, mainly textbooks or Manga. He didn’t read other books at all.

He was aware that most students lived on their parents’ allowance, very few students could work part time. Even for university students, who had more money to spend, 1000 RMB was a lot of money. It was almost enough for a month’s worth of living expenses.


Someone had sent a message.

Zhang Zian thought it was another person asking why the book wasn’t Premium yet. It turns out, it was a popular reading list owner, Feather of the Chief Specter.

He was curious, and opened the message.

[Feather of the Chief Specter]: Are the VIP privileges still not active?   [

Zhang Zian looked at Pi, then bowed his head and typed: “Not yet.”

[Feather of the Chief Specter]: It should happen soon. I just wanted to remind you to ask for votes in the new VIP chapters. The first month of being Premium is important. If you can make it to the Top 3, it’s like getting a free recommendation.

Zhang Zian didn’t know about this earlier, so he asked him to provide more details.

Afterwards, Zhang Zian understood that was it not for his reminder, he would’ve missed out on a free lunch.


Pi tapped Zhang Zian’s knee and pointed at the screen.

There was an alert on the author’s home page, the VIP chapters were active.

“Okay, let’s figure out a plan,” he whispered.

They thought anxiously before uploading the VIP chapters. Then, they returned to the book’s main page, and were relieved to see that everything was working fine.

Pi sat in the chair, exhausted.

Zhang Zian sent a message in the groupchat to inform everyone that the book had gone Premium, and that a First Day Subscription would be appreciated. He also mentioned that they should vote if they could.

After the message was sent, the groupchat was suddenly buzzing again.

Shortly after that, a series of alerts popped up on Pi’s main page.

[Corner in a Mountain Tavern] rewarded you 2000 RMB, and became a Chief of the book!

[Ancient Yue Silhouette] rewarded you 1000 RMB, and became a Chief of the book!

[Corrupted Wild Cat] rewarded you 3000 RMB, and became a Chief of the book!

[Ricky Boy] rewarded you 1000 RMB, and became a Chief of the book!

[Pug is a Cat] rewarded you 1000 RMB, and became a Chief of the book!

Zhang Zian and Pi couldn’t believe their eyes, especially Zhang Zian. He thought that the people in the group were just being polite. It turned out that so many people were willing to support Pi with real money.

“Pi, look at the Subscriptions!” After all, the Subscriptions were key for the book’s survival. If it had more than 3000 Subscriptions, a book could be named in Qidian’s Hall of Fame, and be remembered forever.

Pi opened the main page. There were already over a thousand Subscriptions. If things continued this way, entering the Hall of Fame would be very easy.

“Pi, relax and go to sleep,” Zhang Zian said. “I know that you care about the number of Subscriptions, but you can’t keep waiting like this. You haven’t been outside ever since you came to the pet shop. How about tomorrow, you go outside and play with everyone?”

“Eek.” Pi nodded reluctantly, then took off its glasses, and laid down in the hammock.

Zhang Zian turned off the lights. Pi laid down, but its eyes were still wide open, staring at the dark ceiling. It crossed its arms in front of its chest as if it was praying. Pi’s pupils were glistening, full of anticipation and hope.

Book of Pi was lying on the desk, the gold circle shining.

Tomorrow will be a great day.

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