Pet King

Chapter 334: YouTube Partnership

Chapter 334: YouTube Partnership

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ending a day’s work, Song Bai dragged his fatigued body and returned home. Strangely enough, sitting a whole day in the office was even more exhausting than wandering around on the streets at weekends. When he was about to get off duty, he also declined his colleagues’ invitations to KTV and other social gatherings. He wondered why they were still full of energy after a day’s work. At the entrance of the company, he ran into Zhao Qi, who used to be the most active participant in KTV singing, but had been rushing home to her kitten after work nowadays…of course, now he had also become a cat lover just like her.

He had never been interested in the fellowship activities among the colleagues after work. Everyone was aware of the high mobility of employees in private enterprises. Tonight, some staff members might join the KTV singing, but tomorrow morning, they might throw their resignation letters into the boss’s face…

As for the social gatherings… well, he heard that they had invited the staff from a hospital. He wondered who had organized this event today. Thinking that they could sit face-to-face with some adorable angels in white, the bachelors in his company were very excited. Even those who already had girlfriends, like Liu Sanlang who was also in the Technical Department, were envious of the participants… Song Bai was not a tall person and he had always felt himself inferior because of his height. Though his financial situation was getting by, he was not an extremely wealthy and attractive guy. Even though he went to the event, no girls would probably lay their eyes on him. The metal itself must be hard to be turned into iron, and he decided that he would consider finding a girlfriend after he had a notable career.

Song Bai was not lonely. Time passed swiftly when he spent the whole evening in front of his computer, particularly nowadays when Black Flower was accompanying him.

He pulled out the key to open the door, muttering “freaking cold” and taking off his scarf and hat.

As the sun went down earlier in winter, right now the apartment was dark, with the only source of dim light transmitted through the balcony window from the opposite apartment. He fumbled to turn on the lights.

His skateboard was lying on the ground in the living room. People usually just gave balls of wool or scratching boards to their kittens. it was probably rare that a skateboard would be a cat’s toy.

Hearing the sounds, Black Flower ran from the bedroom and raised its head to look at him.

“Black Flower, do you feel cold in the house?” He took off his coat and hung it on the hallstand, putting on his slippers.

It was a pity that Black Flower can’t answer him.

He bent down to hold Black Flower, went into the bedroom with it, closed the door and turned on the electric heater. Though he wasn’t home the whole day, the bedroom didn’t become messier. He was relieved that at least Black Flower didn’t cause any troubles in his bedroom.

Song Bai turned on the computer and put Black Flower on his lap, stroking the fur on its back with his hands gently. It suddenly occurred to him that he didn’t know whether Black Flower was afraid of water. How was it going to shower? He heard that a lot of cats was afraid of showering.

About this matter, he inquired Zhao Qi about it before. She proudly claimed that her Lan Lan was a very quiet and well-behaved cat that seldom went outside, so it was always very clean and only needed to take one shower every a few months. On the contrary, Black Flower was lively and energetic, and it loved exploring in his apartment. He also had taken it outside to play on the skateboard, so the problem of showering would dawn on him soon.

After the computer finished launching, he inputted his passwords and entered the desktop, accessed the VPN software and logged into his homepage on YouTube.

He prepared himself by taking a deep breath before he was courageous enough to look at the comments under his vlog Over the Great Wall.

Within only a few days, the number of views of this vlog had boosted from 357 on the second day to 43,831. Almost every time he refreshed the page, the number was increasing, sometimes by 2-3 views, sometimes by 4-5 views. Also, the numbers of comments, “likes”, and “dislikes” were soaring.

No one would have thought that last night, Song Bai had been frantically pressing on the F5 key for two hours to refresh the page constantly, joyfully witnessing the increase of the numbers on his screen…the views of this vlog had almost surpassed that of all his previous vlogs put together. What’s more, driven by this vlog, the views of his prior vlogs were also increasing, for the audiences who yearned for more videos would search his channel, looking for more similar videos.

If only Black Flower didn’t jump out from his arms to go to the bathroom, he would have personally known what the buzzword “F5 is broken” meant…

Song Bai had heard that a lot of videos went viral overnight, and he believed that this vlog had the potential to go viral. But when it really happened, he still found it dreamy and incredible.

When he came to himself, he found that his finger was unconsciously pressing on the F5. He quickly shook his head. He couldn’t waste another two hours tonight. Last night, after pressing F5 for two hours, he forgot to do his laundry or take a shower, and was still tossing and turning on his bed and couldn’t fall into sleep. When he got up this morning, he had gotten two dark circles like that of a panda.

Just as he was ready to view the comments, an e-mail from YouTube popped up in his mailbox.

Song Bai thought it was just advertising mail at the beginning, but when he was going to delete it, he found that the format was different than that of any advertising mail.

Clicking open the email, his body and his mind were completely frozen. The hand holding the mouse stayed still while his palms were sweating nervously. He was still panic-struck, for he almost deleted this email…

The subject of the email was very simple—Your application has been approved. YouTube invites you to join YouTube Partnership.

YouTube Partnership was the famous YouTube advertising incentive program. In other words, receiving this invitation meant that he could earn money through the commercials played on YouTube.

Song Bai rubbed his eyes. His mouth was dry, and his heart was beating rapidly. This was what he had always wanted, and it even could be called his dream. But how was that possible? The threshold of the YouTube Partnership invitation was very high, and not everyone could make money from YouTube.

According to the rumors heard by Song Bai, YouTube Partnership had two prerequisites—one was that the creator needed to upload at least one video a week, and the other one was that, the videos had to be viewed millions of times in total. He was able to meet the former one, but was far from meeting the latter prerequisite. But if the views could continue growing at this rate…it was only a matter of time before his vlogs were viewed millions of times. It seemed that YouTube was not that rigid.

“Will you accept this invitation?” Hell, yes!

Song Bai had applied for the YouTube Partnership before, but every time, he had only received replies beginning with “We regret to inform you that…”

In the face of this letter of invitation, his previous frustration of rejection had vanished. Even though YouTube, the mean girl, had made mistakes before, he was going to forgive her now!

Leaving the comments aside, he first followed the steps in the link provided by the letter of invitation to change the account settings, and whenever he encountered words that he was not sure about, he would carefully look up their meanings, for fear that something might go wrong. He was glad that he didn’t attend the KTV singing and social gathering tonight. If he went there, he would inevitably need to drink. And when he came home drunk, he might have accidently deleted this email…

Lying on his lap, Black Flower had felt the trembling of his thigh muscles. It raised its face worriedly, and uttered some meowing sounds, as if asking if he was sick.

Song Bai restrained his excitement, holding it up with both hands over his head and smiling from ear to ear.

“Black Flower, we are going to be rich!”

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