Reborn as the Hero's Daughter

Chapter 273: Beast Calamity

Chapter 273: Beast Calamity

We broke off the fangs from two Fang Wolves as materials.

They were suitable for the talisman, but they also had a good affinity with other magic items. I needed one for my sister, but there were three more leftovers.

“So, what do we do about the extras?” “Does anyone need them?” “I am fine. There is someone who needs the money more.” “Right, Cloud needs it the most.” “Uhh, I don’t know… I feel bad about this.”

Cloud was saving up money for going independent in the future. Michelle, Finia, and I had backers, so we would have no trouble with getting by even after graduation, but he was different.

He would probably want to save up whatever little he could get.

“Right, how about… We sell two of them, and I buy the third one?” “Huh, you want one more?”

Michelle tilted her head in puzzlement at my proposal. She probably wondered why I would need another one if I was gonna gift it to my sister.

“I mean, it would be nice if my sister and I had matching ones, right?” “Ah, that sounds great! Then how about we all get a matching pair?” “There’s not enough though. There’s only four of them.”

There were five of us. We could get two per wolf, so removing me and my sister’s share, we would need to defeat one more wolf.

We’ve been climbing the Scion mountain range since morning, so quite some time has passed already. Still, we managed to stumble on the wolves quite quickly, so the sun was still high up. The problem was my stamina, however.

I was quite fatigued after climbing, fighting and keeping alert for surprise attacks. Usually, I would attract the enemy’s attention while Michelle easily finished it off so it didn’t tire me that much, but this time the sudden surprise attack we received put too much strain on my body.

“Maxwell, are there any enemies nearby?” “Several of them at a distance. While there are definitely some, they must be cautious of us after knowing that we defeated the Fang Wolves.” “How about any other Fang Wolf hiding nearby?” “There is none around here… Hmm, wait for a bit.”

The moment he said that he chanted Flight and soared up. After getting high enough and observing the surroundings, he cast yet another spell. The Energy Bolt he released impacted a place a few hundred meters away from us.

Seeing the dense cloud of dust was enough to tell us how strong his spell was. It was already beyond the Energy Bolt category.

“W-What was that for I wonder…” “This is Maxwell we are talking about, so it must be something beyond our imaginations.”

Letina was struck with fear from that sudden Energy Bolt.

The reddish cloud of dust was coming from the point of impact… No, wait, there seemed to be something other than dust mixed in it?

When that dust settled down, Maxwell headed towards that place. After some time, he came back to us… While carrying a Fang Wolf with its lower half blown away.

“Here, with this, you should have all six fangs, right? As for Cloud’s savings… You can get some money by selling their pelts.” “Wah, thanks grandpa!”

Michelle clapped her hands and shouted in joy, but she seemed to be overlooking the fact that the wolf had half of it blown apart.

Energy Bolt was an elementary level spell of the Light attribute, but it was not normal for it to have such a destructive power.

It gave me a headache, unsure whether to praise him or scold him.

“Let us camp outdoors here at Scion today.” “Eh, Is there a reason why we can’t just go back?”

Finia objected to Maxwell’s sudden proposal to camp outdoors. In response, Maxwell explained with an impish expression.

“This is a training camp, little Finia. It would be better to experience what it is to spend a night without a roof in a dangerous place.” “That is indeed true, but…” “You must be worrying about Nicole, but overprotectiveness has to stop if you wish to live as Adventurers. You need to experience some hardships.”

Saying so, Maxwell winked at me. Incidentally, I’ve lost count of how many times I had to spend the night at places like this in my previous life.

Maxwell worded it as if it was to train me, but he wanted to let Finia and the rest experience it.

“Finia, Maxwell has a point. Rather than suddenly having to spend a night during an emergency, it is better to experience it now when we can.” “…Is that so? But Lady Nicole, what about your condition?” “…I was about to forget it too.” “I-I’m sorry!”

She was referring to my first menstruation. I was starting to forget about it thanks to the battle…

“A-At any rate, I made preparations before departing, so I’ll handle it somehow. Also, I don’t think you should be talking about that stuff in front of Maxwell and Cloud.” “You are quite right. My apologies for being so insensitive…” “Well, it might not be something you need to apologize for. I mean, the guys here should at least have enough tact to pretend not to be listening to us.”

As I directed a reproaching gaze at the two males, Maxwell swiftly looked away. Cloud started looking around in a fluster, until eventually imitating Maxwell. A bit too late to do that.

“I guess it’s too much to ask from Cloud.” “I can’t help it, okay! I don’t have those social disposition skills.” “You have to start learning them already, or it’ll cause us problems.”

Cloud was one of the few males of our party. Rather, he was the only male. When it came to adventuring, there were places you cannot enter or information you couldn’t obtain unless you were a male.

Since we were mostly a group of young beauties, there would definitely be times when we would get rolled up in various incidents or be underestimated. Because of that, I really needed Cloud to start getting his act together.

“Leave it at that now. By the way, Nicole. I shall go bring some reinforcements, so you stay and focus on surveillance.” “Reinforcements?” “Oh, I just mean Argus and Bauman. I will also bring Mateus.” “Why?” “Well, there are some circumstances. On my side, that is.”

Maxwell dodged the question as if it was hard to answer. Still, I didn’t think he would do things without a meaning. While he liked to pull pranks, he knew how to read the atmosphere when it came to dangerous places like this.

Since he said we needed reinforcements, he might have discovered something that made him judge so.

He then used Teleport and returned to Raum. It only took him about thirty minutes, but we used that time to finish stripping the materials.

Thus, while I was staying on guard uneventfully, Maxwell returned with the three men.

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