Banished to Another World

Chapter 589: Do it with me once?

Chapter 589: Do it with me once?

Nita felt bad subconsciously and wanted to refuse.

But how could Yan Mo let them go, "Why, your noble witch, the Horn-people, is going to talk? Or do you decide to still compensate for the damage of our eastern continent and the Jiu Yuan? Oh, by the way, if you choose to make compensation, in order to prevent you from defaulting on your account, we must detain some of your important executives and let you go only when the compensation is made. Great Witch Hu-De, who are you and Nita Da-Ren staying?”

Neither Hu-De nor Nita wanted to stay.

Hu-De winked at Nita, and they approached. Hu-De released bone objects to prevent eavesdropping, and whispered: “Now we seem to be unable to stay in the east continent, but as long as the people we arranged are not exposed, we will have a chance to come back later. Now it\'s important to go back to see what\'s going on in the clan. As long as we can go back safely, whether we fulfill the contract mentioned by the Hornless-men or not depends on us? As long as they dare to come, we will... "

Nita always felt that the slate contract was not so simple, but even the arrogant witch Hu-De talked about it. From preferring to die together to rushing back, he was not good at refuting the other side\'s opinions.

Nita and Hu-De discussed a few more words, put away the bone objects and said loudly to Yan Mo: "The Jiu Yuan people, we can sign a contract, but we only sign with you the Jiu Yuan. If other people in the East want us to make compensation to them. Then they have to defeat us first! Or do you, the Jiu Yuan people, already represent the whole Eastern continent power?”

When Nita said this, he took a special look at Shui Shi, Cong Sheng, etc.

Many places includingShuicheng-Water City and Mucheng-Forest City, including Yincheng-Sound City, have suffered certain damages from the Horn-people. In fact, they don\'t want to get compensation from the Horn-people, but they want the Jiu Yuan to kill the Horn-people with them and revenge for the dead tribesmen and tribal people.

But before they came, their City Lord and the high priest repeatedly told them to listen to the arrangement of the Jiu Yuan. If there\'s something that can\'t be solved, don\'t rush to object to the Jiu Yuan, just send the message back first.

But now they are confronted with something that they can\'t choose, but they can\'t talk about compensation with the Horn-people on behalf of various forces, let alone prevent the Jiu Yuan from ending the war by using the bloodless blade of the army. They can only keep murmuring in silence and see how the Jiu Yuan does it.

Yan Mo wasn\'t be fooled by Nita\'s words. He doesn\'t intend to represent the whole eastern continent now. Hearing this, he pushed the boat along the river and said, “OK, I\'ll only sign the contract of the Jiu Yuan with you."

“Only one chance, you can\'t come to our west continent when you change your thoughts. Do we all have to pay compensation?" Nita tried to close any loopholes in the contract.

“One time thing at a time, for the sake of fairness, from the day when you the Horn-people besieged me the Jiu Yuan, to today, it happens to be seven months. So the time when I the Jiu Yuan went to your western continent to find a compensation is seven months. Seven months later, no matter how much damage we have done to the west, as long as we are still alive, you must agree to let us go back to the East unharmed. If there are other forces to stop us, you have to help us stop it, just like we, the Jiu Yuan did not hurt most of you, and not hurt one of us. "

Hu-De also began to feel bad, but at this time they were unable to change their ways, so they had to add favorable conditions to their own side: "Within seven months, we will try to kill your people who invaded the western continent at any cost, until the day when the contract is finished, we will only send the last living people away."

“Of course. In addition, if we intend to make up for ourselves in the west, we will let you know in advance in order to avoid the situation that we are clearly going to have friendly exchanges but are mistaken for aggression. How is that?”

Hu-De and Nita looked at the other person. They thought it was better to have a notice than not. They agreed.

"The number of people should also be limited to no more than one thousand." A flash of inspiration from Hu-De.

"Yes." Yan Mo quickly closed his mouth. He just wanted to take a few people to walk around. He wanted to find some natural materials and earth treasures that didn\'t exist in the western continent. Unexpectedly, the Horn-people would be so generous that he was allowed to take thousands of people.

Since the other side is so kind, he is willing to bring 1000 warriors above 9th rank. WOW!

Fortunately, Nita had a clear mind and closed the loophole in time. "We don\'t have many experts, and you can\'t have too many. Otherwise, it’s going to be considered as a real aggression, not self-help. And we don\'t have 10th rank Masters!”

“But you\'ve got the equivalent of a 10th rank

“At most one 10th rank Master, 9th rank warriors can\'t exceed ten."

"You have more than ten divine bone warriors." The battle effectiveness of the Horn-people is strong because they bring in hundreds of warriors who are the same as the 8th or 9th rank Masters.

“If you don\'t agree, the contract is over." Nita wanted to take the opportunity to push the contract.

Yan Mo was silent for a while for two seconds, with a look of loss on his face, and nodded reluctantly, "We will do it just according to the number you say."

Nita\'s forehead was slightly sweaty. It\'s strange that they took advantage of them. Why does he still have an intuition that the Horn-people actually suffered a great loss?

Yan Mo decided that he would go in person, and he would start to learn how to make storage bone objects when he went back tonight. By then, thousands of warriors will be equipped with ten bone storage, and at least 500 snake warrior with natural space ability!

Both sides you come and I go, not easy to find the conditions of contract negotiated.

On the spot, Yan Mo wrote the relevant articles on the sheet in the words of the Jiu Yuan and the Horn-people.

When the sheet is handed to Yuan Zhan and Yuan Zhan wipes it with his hands, the words were carved on the plate, so it\'s impossible to grind them off.

Yuan Zhan then made a cutting gesture to the sheet, and the top and bottom of the sheet split into two parts, becoming two identical contract boards.

Yan Mo gave Nita and Hu-De two contract boards to watch. After the two sides confirm that there is no problem, they first make a soul oath, then sign the real name, and finally drip blood into the real name.

This is the first time for the Horn-people.

Nita is more cautious. "Why do you drip blood?"

Yan Mo replied with a smile: "This is my contract board made of witchcraft. After dripping the blood of the oath maker, the disobeying party will be punished by witchcraft."

"What witchcraft punishment?" Nita was angry that he didn\'t make it clear in advance.

“Punishment is for both sides." In a word, Yan Mo pacified Nita\'s anger, “Any party who violates the contract will be punished. As for the punishment content... Well, have you ever heard of the ants? Think of tens of thousands of ants gnawing at your heart and crawling out of your body."

All the people who heard it: "..." Do you have goose bumps as me?

Shu Yi turned to Yan Mo. At that time, the gentle youth also became cunning. This contract is to restrain both parties. But the Jiu Yuan either if they go to fight, or went to burn and rob. They only need to abide by the number of people and the notice starting time. There is no other place to abide by. Instead, if the Horn-people can\'t rob and kill them within the agreed seven months, they will not only be able to kill these Jiu Yuan people for revenge, but also have to watch them leave the western continent with their collected property.

By now, it seems that the matter is over. Everyone still doesn\'t believe that the Horn-people, who are regarded as the enemy of the whole continent and are making a big noise in the eastern continent, just conceded? Just going back?

In addition to the compensation contract made by the Jiu Yuan and the Horn-people, the hidden arrogance is revealed. No one can deny that the Jiu Yuan is really up-comer. Moreover, as long as their chief and the priest are not dead or have successors, the Jiu Yuan can hardly be suppressed anymore.

To this end, Shuicheng-Water City, Mucheng-Forest City and Feng Cheng Wing City, who are more generous and inclusive, are all happy to see their success in declaring relation before the war. In their eyes, the Jiu Yuan can let go of the Horn-people who surround them. It doesn\'t look like a cruel, murderous and power loving force.

But Huocheng-Fire City, Ancheng-Dark City and Yincheng-Sound City, including Kongcheng-Air City, are not of the same idea. They are happy that the Horn-people are been rejected, and they are full of vigilance for the rise of the Jiu Yuan. The growth of the Jiu Yuan is too fast. In addition, they have a terrible priest that can help warriors upgrade by sacrificing. They have bred the Son of Life. It is almost conceivable that the development of the Jiu Yuan will be faster and faster in the future, while other old forces will be far behind the Jiu Yuan.

If it was before the Jiu Yuan shows its strength, these forces may want to suppress the Jiu Yuan together, or simply eliminate it. But now the idea of eliminating the Jiu Yuan still exists, but the cost of putting it into action is too high, so that they dare not really implement it but only think about it.

The envoys of these forces looked at the other person and made an appointment with their eyes for a meeting afterwards - if a force can\'t fight against the Jiu Yuan, then unite! In short, the Jiu Yuan family must not be allowed to be the only one.

Who are the Curse Witch Zhou and Si Tan?

They seem to be sleeping, but the look and actions of the people around them have not escaped their eyes.

The small movements of several forces seem to be hidden, but they do not escape their perception.

Si Tan\'s eyes were still half closed with a charming smile on the corner of his mouth.

The Curse Witch Zhou Wu smirked, he didn\'t even pay attention to the small actions of those forces. He believed that since Yan Mo dared to expose the strength of the Jiu Yuan and let them be afraid of it, he must have a back hand to deal with these forces.

The Curse Witch Zhou Wu is very happy. He likes the Jiu Yuan. No matter the air here or the people and animals, he likes it very much. Because he likes it, he hopes it will last forever. He sincerely hoped that before he went to see his Mother God, the Jiu Yuan would be so powerful that no one would dare to bully him. Now his disciples and his favorite guardian warrior have done this in advance!

Nita has seen those arrested by the Jiu Yuan for a long time, but he has carefully observed that no one among them has any importance to the Horn people tribesmen. In other words, these captured people can be sacrificed without any concern.

Yan Mo also seems to have forgotten to ask them to hand over their secret spies, because he knows that even if he asked, the other party will not necessarily tell the truth, and then he will be given a bunch of fake lists, will he check or not? Better not ask.

The people of Kongcheng-Air City were released by the Horn-people, and the Enslavement Bone was also released.

Kongcheng-Air City\'s Lord and Chen Lao, looked like nothing in the past, naturally thanked the Jiu Yuan and walked to the people of Huocheng-Fire City.

Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan look at the other person, but they didn\'t speak.

Kongcheng-Air City is definitely a problem, but just like the hidden works of the Horn-people, they can\'t kill them easily without catching their handle.

Nita asked about the evidence of the demons again. Yan Mo said it would take time to take it out. Later, he would send it to the western continent to show them.

Nita wanted Bone Inheritance again. Yan Mo pointed to Sumen and simply said, "He is my disciple. Bone Inheritance will be handed to him in the future, so don\'t dream of it."

Nita can\'t kill Sumen, but now he has to go back and ask for the second best. He comforted himself and thinks: Somehow, Sumen is still one of the Horn-people. If Yan Mo really wanted to pass on the bone to the Hornless-men, he can\'t help it, at least at present he can\'t do anything about it.

According to the agreement, the Horn-people and their bone warriors must leave the eastern continent within half a month, and there will be Jiu Yuan warriors and Kunpeng people on the way to supervise them.

Yan Mo didn\'t bother to send these people directly to an offshore island.

Knowing that Yan Mo has thousands of miles of transmission portal, Nita and others are greedy and jealous. They see that Yan Mo has taken out bone objects similar to bone plates. They can\'t imagine that the Hornless-men has made a more powerful transmission bone objects than the Broken Door, which also makes them more depressed. If even the bone objects are not as good as the Hornless-men, how can they and the hornless demons of the eastern continent fight?

Nita suspects that the transmission bone objects is related to the teaching of the ancient soul in Bone Inheritance, and he wanted to get Bone Inheritance more and more. Later, he sneaked into the eastern continent for Bone Inheritance many times, causing a lot of troubles for Sumen. However, Yan Mo retaliated severely every time. If Sumen didn\'t use Nita as a training stone, Yan Mo would kill Nita.

That’s for later, let\'s not talk about it, let\'s say about now.

The King of Kunpengs left a Human-face Kunpeng and asked him to be responsible for watching the Horn-people as they prepare to go back to the western mainland, but he didn\'t go back to the central mainland himself, and still flew to the Jiu Yuan.

The central continent is so boring. He always thinks that there will be many interesting things to do with that little Witch Mo around.

Time goes back to that night.

Yan Mo brought the envoys of various forces back to the city of Jiu Yuan. Without the threat of the Horn-people, the Jiu Yuan showed its terrible strength again. Finally, everyone could sit down and have a friendly talk.

The main thing they want to talk about is that Yan Mo didn\'t disclose about the twelve Godblood Stones, only said he would look for evidence.

In the end, he made an appointment for a month and still gathered in Wucheng city of witches, when the main heads of the major forces would come.

When we make an appointment, everyone knows that the party after one month is equivalent to a party of the Nine Cities challenge in advance. This party will not only talk about the gods outside the sky, but also focus on ranking and site division.

Fearing revenge from the Jiu Yuan, Huocheng-Fire City An-Bu left after the discussion.

Xiao Hei pinched Wu Guo, who tried crawling with his little feet, and said stiffly, "Shifu, we just let them go?"

Yan Mo smiled and wiped Wu Guo\'s butt with a warm damp cloth. Maybe Yuan Wang will be a great existence in the future, but now he is no different from ordinary babies, at least on the surface.

"Shifu!" Xiao Hei held Wu Guo\'s bird and was kicked by Wu Guo.

Yan Mo\'s fingers flicked, and a few drops of hot water splashed on Xiao Hei\'s face, “Naughty egg, you just don\'t like Huocheng-Fire City?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hei nodded hard, pleaded, "The old man tried to kill me several times!"

"Don\'t worry, there is no one in the world who can bully me, Yan Mo, without paying a price." However, Yan Mo doesn\'t plan to do it by himself. There are many children in his family and many powerful ones. It\'s better to let them do it more? Xiaole... It\'s also his child.

"Xiaole will go to Wucheng-City of Witches with us for this party. You and Wu Chen will discuss with them to see who wanted to go and then go together. On the way, we should pass Huocheng-Fire City... "


Before Yan Mo finished speaking, he was rushed up by Xiao Hei and hugged him. “I\'m going. I\'m going!"

“Go to tell Xiaole that if he agrees to take you, he will take you with him." Yan Mo patted his apprentice\'s little butt, stuffed him with Wu Guo\'s naked babbling self, and went to find another father of the child. They will be busy tonight.

Xiao Hei turned around to find Yan Xiaole with Wu Guo in his arms. Because of his special soul power, the best way for all children to communicate with Yan Xiaole is him.

About people in groups, like birds of a feather? Xiaole is very pleased to see Da-da. Now he is helping Da-da on the battlefield, and he would come back withDa-da tonight.

Yuan Zhan is still in the discussion hall and Yuan Bing to solve detailed work and follow-up matters. As the priest, Yan Mo doesn\'t have to be present at all. He has his business to do.

Wucheng-City of Witches\' trip needs to be discussed. Besides Huocheng-Fire City and Ancheng-Dark City, Wucheng-City of Witches is going to visit. Now, because of Grand Witch Xiang\'s loss of prophecy ability, the twelve witches are divided into two groups. Wucheng-City of Witches is almost dead. In the past, their business will never be less.

In addition, Yan Mo was a little uneasy. He solved the problem of the Horn-people\'s invasion, cultivated the Fruit of Witchcraft into the Son of Life, and rescued so many slaves and slave warriors. But in addition to the last item, The Guide gave the reduction of SCUM VALUE, and the other two items he thought were big heads didn\'t move. Why?

Unfortunately, The Guide has no answering function, so he can only wait unilaterally, which is not a good feeling.

Just halfway through, Yan Mo met Shu Yi, who had come specially to say goodbye to him.

Two brothers of Ding Ning, Ding Fei stopped Shu Yi.

Yan Mo beckoned them back and went on to walk to Shu Yi without stopping.

“Are you leaving? When will you leave?”


"Thank you for your help this time." Yan Mo said sincerely.

Shu Yi shook his head. “I didn\'t help. You solved it all yourself."

Yan Mo didn\'t argue with him. He had written down this feeling in his mind. Because Shu Yi offered to help, he didn\'t try to find out the site they found about from Shu Yi\'s mouth.

“I will come to the party in a month." Shu Yi\'s eyes are as hot as magma.

Yan Mo avoided his eyes and smiled, “I know."

“One day our two tribes will become enemies." Shu Yi uses affirmative sentences.

“I know."

Shu Yi suddenly stepped forward and held him tightly.

Yan Mo wanted to get out of the way and hold back.

Ding Ning Ding Fei: chief is going to go crazy!

Shu Yi face moved, nose close to Yan Mo\'s neck, gently rub rub, “Do it with me once?"

Yan Mo was dumbfounded. The youth was him too close, so close that he could clearly feel the naked desire of the youth.

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