Banished to Another World

Chapter 572: The secrets hidden in the holy land of the Bone Sculpting People

Chapter 572: The secrets hidden in the holy land of the Bone Sculpting People

After hearing the secret, Yan Mo turned around for several times. He couldn\'t help it. He wanted to share what Zan-Bu had told him with his lover.

Yuan Zhan thought something was wrong when he came in a hurry, but his priest mysteriously pulled him aside.

"The Bone Sculpting People\'s secret, about what it?" Yuan Zhan was borrowing Oldman He fire letter to deliver a message to Zhang in the new city. Although there are no Bone Sculpting tribesmen attacking at Zhang\'s side for the time being, the Jiu Yuan plain is bordered by many forces, and its complexity is even greater than the Red Ape forest margin.

Yan Mo waited until Oldman He had finished his work and left and then he made sure there was no one else around, so he said excitedly to Yuan Zhan: "Zan-Bu told me that the three holy places of the Bone Sculpting People are called holy places because, in addition to the miracles found in those three places, there is a treasure hidden in each of the three places that only the Great Witch White-Horn can know. These three treasures are also of great benefit to us!”

"What is it?" Yuan Zhan\'s interest was also lured.

Yan Mo pinched his fist and said: "You can\'t even imagine it! The first holy land is the holy land of the Bone Sculpting People, which we found. There is also the place where the body of the alien who once invaded this planet is, and that also the body of the extraterrestrials or the demon gods from the sky who are coming.”

"What?!” Yuan Zhan was shocked.

Even though Yan Mo has heard it once, he can\'t help but feel excited. "That body is hidden under that bone platform. In ancient times, the Horn-people found him through D.U.O.B.I. Naomi, thinking that the body was the ancient god\'s avatar. The body was packed in a translucent box. The box was very tight. At that time, no one could open it. Later, the Horn-people witch hid the box and the aliens inside as gods

Yuan Zhan is curious, "Hasn\'t corruption damaged it since it’s been so long?"

"Zan-Bu said that at the time of his death, the body was still free from corruption and might even remain active. I suspect that the box is probably equivalent to a nutrition bin or an escape pod, and there are energy conversion devices in it. Only in this way can the box keep the thing inside icy frozen or provide basic living energy for the creatures inside. "

“Later the Horn-people didn\'t want to open that box?"

"Yes, but even if they have the ability to do it, they dare not move the box anymore, because the person inside have been deified by them, and even the person in the box has become gods to them. Who dares to move it? Later, the box and the alien inside became the secret that only the White-Horn clan witch would know, that is, even Hu-Lian did not know its existence. "

"What\'s the benefit of this box and the demons from outside the sky in it?" Yuan Zhan is a lover who is similar to Yan Mo indeed, and the brain circuit is the same.

"The benefits are too great!" Yan Mo right fist said. “First of all, we can study it. As the God said, knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is what can make you invincible. With such a body, I can find out the weaknesses of these aliens and the great significance of other creatures. In a word, I have to get that alien body!”

"Well, what\'s the secret of the second holy place?"

"The secret of the second holy land we have known and obtained is D.U.O.B.I. Naomi. The Horn-people have always regarded D.U.O.B.I. Naomi as a part of the Pan\'a God in ancient times. Zan-Bu said that after being recognized by Naomi, we will get some powerful weapons of God, which is equivalent to what we have already got.” But I have to do the test first.

Yuan Zhan heard this and he frowned, “Is the third Holy Land in the territory of the Ding Yue tribe?"

"Yes. The three holy places of the Bone Sculpting People, the one under the Jiu Feng nest represents Inheritance, the one in the underground city represents Power, and the one in the Ding Yue is equivalent to the Property Treasure of the Bone Sculpting People. So at the beginning, the Ding Yue was able to find a lot of precious bone objects and energy weapons from that relic place."

Yuan Zhan, "Then the treasure in the third holy land is the energy weapon?"

“No, the energy weapons left there are to protect the treasures hidden in the third holy land." Yan Mo inhales deeply.

Yuan Zhan wondered, "What treasure can be more precious than energy weapons?"

"Are you ready for a big earthquake?"


Yan Mo smiled, “OK, listen, there in the third Holy Land there are Twelve Godblood Stone!”

“Ancestor God Above!" Yuan Zhan eyes widener and he pressed his right hand on his heart. "Twelve?"

Yan Mo nodded hard, his face full of laughter. "Twelve!"

Yuan Zhan threw his fists. Only those who have really absorbed the energy of the Godblood Stone can know how amazing this thing is.

The husband and the husband smirked at each other.

“No wonder you came to me, God! It\'s just!...” At this moment, Yuan Zhan was also excited: "Thank you, the Ancestor God! Thank you, ancient gods! Twelve Godblood Stones, if we use them properly, we can get twelve of the god blood warriors back with at least at a 10th


"Thank you to the Bone Sculpting People. They got the help of D.U.O.B.I. Naomi and embarked on the road of scientific and technological development. They also had blood abilities originally. But with the appearance of bone objects and more and more developed, gradually, the blood ability disappeared in their blood vessels. The third eye on the eyebrow became crystal directly and developed into special ability later. There are only three witches left, and even their witches can\'t bear the power of divine blood, and they don\'t know how to absorb it correctly, so the twelve Godblood Stone had to be completely preserved. "

Yuan Zhan wondered, "The Bone Sculpting People don\'t know the right absorption method, but other people..."

Yan Mo Haha, “Even if other old monsters like Yu Wu know how to absorb divine blood, they will never tell the Bone Sculpting people. Don\'t forget that the Bone Sculpting people were the common enemy of all other intelligent races at that time."

Yuan Zhan thought of a sentence Yan Mo once said to him: You can\'t live normally if you commit sin, which probably means the Bone Sculpting People were screwed.

But there is another question: "Zan-Bu would not give us all the treasures in the three holy sites, right? What does he want in exchange?”

Yan Mo pointed to him. "You guessed it, Zan-Bu wanted us to give half of the treasure to the Horn-people after we take it out."

“No, I don\'t agree." Yuan Zhan flatly refused, "He only told us that there are such things, but it really depends on us to take them out. The inheritance place under Jiu Feng\'s nest even if it was just in our territory. It\'s was hard to get it out. The dungeons almost killed us. However, the holy land of the Bone Sculpting People in the Ding Yue tribe is not so easy to enter. If the Ding Yue knows that there are twelve or the Godblood Stone in their territory, they will never give up the Godblood Stone unless all their warriors are dead. At least for me, I will never hand it out!”

Although Yuan Zhan said so, he had regarded twelve of the Godblood Stones as Jiu Yuan belongings. The Ding Yue tribe? Well, anyway, he didn\'t treat the other person as a friendly tribe. He believed that the same is true of the other person.

Yan Mo has to think about how to get the 12 Godblood Stones, but like Yuan Zhan, he will never give up the Godblood Stones.

“I also mentioned this to Zan-Bu. He didn\'t expect us to actually split them in half. He didn\'t expect us to split them in half. He said that he proposed this matter to me, that is, he hoped that he could exchange the body of an alien and the whereabouts of the Godblood Stones for giving weapons in the underground city or D.U.O.B.I. Naomi to the White-Horn clan. "

"You agree?"

"How can I agree?" Yan Mo shook his head. "I told Zan-Bu the truth, D.U.O.B.I. Naomi\'s life came from me, which is equivalent to him being my children. I can\'t give my children to others. Then the only weapon that can be given to the White-Horn can be the weapon in the airship, but I only agree to give it to Sumen, and he must complete the test by himself. If he can\'t finish it, or someone completes it before him, the weapon will not be Sumen\'s share. "

"Zan-Bu would like to?"

“I promised him that when I developed new weapons, I would teach all the relevant knowledge to Sumen. He agreed."

What new weapons can match the weapons left by the aliens and make Zan-Bu agree to the terms of exchange? Yuan Zhan couldn\'t figure it out and asked directly.

Yan Mo smiled mysteriously. “I\'m just exploring ideas now, and I\'ll tell you when I really build one." Then he patted Yuan Zhan. “It\'s almost time. Let\'s see if the Horn-people have handed over the murderer."


Naturally, it is impossible for the Horn-people to hand over the murderer.

Nita doesn\'t seem to take Yan Mo\'s threat seriously, but the camp is ready to face the enemy.

After half an hour, the scouts reported that they did not find any changes in the enemy\'s camp, nor any trace of the enemy in the battlefield, nor any changes in their own camp.

Hu-De, the Great Witch of Red-Horn clan, said to Nita with disapproval, "You are just being too careful. If the two people really have the ability, how can they not directly attack us after coming back?"

Nita stood in front of the simple window with one hand on his shoulder, with a strange uneasiness in his heart. “I can\'t contact the king or the high priest. And it wasn\'t long before we sent back the news of those two Jiu yuan people. They came back. How could they come so fast?”

“Maybe Kunpengs helped them." Kunpeng people fly around their heads every day. It\'s hard for them not to pay attention.

“In addition, according to the news from the scouts, nearly 30 hornless demon warriors from the western continent also came back with them. You say, is it possible for them to cooperate with the Hornless-men of the Demon Abyss, who are on their way to and from the eastern continent?” Otherwise, how could they be so confident?

Hu-De waved. “No way. Our warriors are always outside the Demon Abyss, where the demon warriors are too busy to take care of themselves. How can they help the Hornless-men in other continents? Nita, don\'t believe the enemy. How can they tell us the truth?”

“But we did lose contact with the West." This is also the most disturbing thing for Nita. The last order he received was to attack the Jiu Yuan anyway. After that, he never received any orders or instructions.

"We\'ve thought about it before. After all, we are separated by a whole sea area, so it is normal for us to lose contact. As the first battalion, the king and the high priest didn\'t expect us to fight down the whole eastern continent. As long as we can seize a territory and keep our pace, they will naturally have a steady stream of warriors to support us. Although it\'s a bit rash for us to venture into the hinterland this time, it\'s not a bad thing if we can occupy the territory of the Jiu Yuan."

Nita shook his head. “Even if we beat the Jiu Yuan down, we can\'t occupy their territory. The Jiu Yuan is too deep inland. If we take this as a stronghold, it\'s easily that we are going to be surrounded by other Eastern continent powers. The best territory is the coastline."

"Then we will exchange sites with the Jiu Yuan and Kongcheng-Air City. Does Huocheng-Fire City seems to have a piece of land connected with the sea? These Hornless-men want the red salt of the Jiu Yuan, and the paper-making dwarves and the beautiful Mer-people. We will exchange the Jiu Yuan with them. They must be very happy to get those."

Nita didn\'t speak. Now he wanted to contact the western continent to find out two things: first, are his brother Wang and the high priest really missing? Second, did the Jiu Yuan the chief and the priest escape from the western continent or...?

Unfortunately, he hasn\'t been able to find out about the previous contacts. He only knows that some things happened to the two people in the western continent. Who would care about two little bugs then?

But no matter how fierce those two men are, they can\'t have caused any trouble in the territory of the Horn-people in the western continent, right? At best, the short-sighted White-Horn clan want to use the energy of the Hornless-men to regain the throne and cooperate with the two Hornless-men.

Maybe they have escaped back safely because of the help of the White-Horn clan.

The more Nita thinks about it, the more he thinks about it. But why is Nita still upset?

“Nita, are you going to keep warriors on the alert? This is their plan. They want us to be on guard all the time, let us be tired, and then launch a big attack when we are tired.” Hu-De thinks Nita is making a fuss.

"Wait, I\'ll let the scouts..."

“Report-! The first camp is occupied!” The messenger rushed in and shouted.

“Report-! The enemy is entering the second camp! No one can stop it!” The second messenger came.

“Report-! The enemy is strong, the divine bone warriors are unable to deter them, the second battalion commander requests to use the extermination bone cannon!” Then, the third messenger came.

Three messengers in the same company can make everyone see how critical the situation in the first and second camps is.

Nita didn\'t have time to think about it. He immediately ordered, “Light the bone tower and prepare for the extermination of bone cannon!"


The Moer Gan slave camp.

A man with a morose face and only a piece of ragged animal skin hung above his head, was bleeding, cutting flesh and taking bones from the new animals or people.

The weather is cold, the man\'s hands and feet have been frostbitten for a while, but he is like numbness to it and he was repeating the bloody and tired work.

The man thinks that cold weather also has the advantage because at least he doesn\'t need to smell the stink of the dead.

“Cough!" the man who was responsible for cleaning the bones coughed violently, and was kicked on his back by the slave\'s leader and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

The sick man lies in the basin full of blood, coughing like a shrimp. The blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth is mixed with the snow that was originally dyed red with blood.

Most people are doing their jobs with their heads down. A few people look at other men with numbness.

Not everyone is numb, and there are people who came in front to protect him, but the slaves who tried to protect him either become one of the “Fresh meat" they decompose, or are sent to the battlefield.

The supervision-slave saw that the man was still crouching on the ground and coughing, and he went to hit him on the ground again. He cussed: “You can\'t get up to work! Do you think you are still the original chief\'s son? If you don\'t get up again, I will kill you!”

The supervision-slave took out his whip.

The bearded man puts down his work, walked quickly to the sick man and dragged him up. At the same time, he said cautiously to the supervision-slave, "Da-Ren, I will let him do his work honestly. Don\'t be angry."

“Pa!" the whip passed the man\'s face.

The supervision-slave reprimanded him, "Qi Yuan, what are you meddling in for? Your tribe has come to this point now, it has a lot to do with your brother. If it wasn\'t for him, you will be still the son of the chief of the tribe, instead of becoming a lowly slave like him!"

A bloodstain rose from the man\'s face, Qi Yuan lowered his head, half dragged and half hugged his brother Qi Hao, and dragged him back to his workplace.

In the end, the slave leader did not continue to bully Qi Yuan, but went around to supervise the work of other slaves.

Qi Hao opened his eyes and whispered, "Qi Yuan..."

Qi Yuan said coldly: "Shut up if you don\'t want to die!"

Qi Hao didn\'t shut up. He repeatedly said, “I\'m not willing, I\'m not willing..."

What can you do if you are not willing?

"How could he do that? I, we are his son, how can he... "

Why can\'t he? He is still in his prime and wanted to have a son at any time. Of course, he is more precious than our life.

"He killed Qi Shui Da-Ren. He killed the tribe\'s priest. He\'s crazy. He..."

He can even hand in the Water God Tian Wu. What is priest worth?!

Qi Hao coughed for a while, and a lot of blood and even black blobs fragments came out of his mouth.

"[Cough]... [Cough]..., Cai Yu is dead, Cai Wei is dead, Qi Yuan, why don’t you hate me? If I didn\'t hold you by... "

“It\'s none of your business." Qi Yuan lowered his voice, “It\'s my own decision to let the Water God Tian Wu go. You just wanted to live by telling on me."

I hated you at that time, but now you are so miserable that you are dying. What\'s the point of hating you again?

Qi Hao held his arm tightly. “I\'m sorry... Forgive me, I just don\'t want to, I...... "

Two lines of tears rolled out of the man\'s eyes and slid down his withered cheek.

"With the spirit of war I swear, if there is an afterlife, if I still am your brother, I will definitely put the best for you... Give you everything you want, I will treat you OK, I\'ll make one good brother for you, forgive me, I...... "

The voice became weaker and weaker, and finally even breathing stopped.

Qi Yuan tightened his arms and held the body which was half lighter than before.

It\'s funny that the brothers were hostile all their lives, and only then did they have a real hug and the last one.

“Fool..." Why did you die? Why are you willing to die like this!

“Patah." A tear fell on the snow and quickly turned into pink ice dregs.

God! Who can help me? Help the people of the Moer Gan!

“Gods, I swear by the spirit of war, if anyone can kill all Horn demons, kill my father and save the Water God Tian Wu, I, Qi Yuan, will be willing to serve him as a slave! Without regret!”

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