Banished to Another World

Chapter 529: The adventures of Yan Mo

Chapter 529: The adventures of Yan Mo

“Before you leave this mountain, you have a very important thing to do. I need your help." Yan Mo reached for the head of the boa python and said to the people.

Outside the mountain, the Red-Horn army waited until dawn to attack the E-Lan Mountain. It\'s not that they didn\'t want to attack at night, but there are too many legends about the night in the E-Lan Mountain, and the night is not good for them to find the enemy, and they had to wait for the other two armies to join, so they wait until dawn.

There are less than 2000 people sent from the Black-Horn clan, and even fewer in the White-Horn clan. There are only about 300 people in the White-Horn clan.

The leader of the Red-Horn general was half dead with anger, but now the king Nier family of the Red-Horn king, including queen, are all dead or missing, and the most important high priest Hu-Lian hasn\'t appeared yet - they can\'t believe that Hu-Lian is dead and just think he\'s recovering from injury. Although the Red-Horn clan were not confused under the leadership of Yuan Zhou Da-Ren and several nobles, they were unable to show the faces of the other two clans for the time being.

"Da-Ren, our scouts can\'t enter the mountain. The mountain has been controlled by the hornless demon. All the vegetation and earth in the mountain are blocking our way." The scout leader came to report.

“Let everyone withdraw, no matter how many hornless demons are in it, it is necessary to make the E-Lan Mountain disappear from the world today!" the Red-Horn general said fiercely.

“All of you, first round, artillery and thunderbolt attack them!"

Thanks to Hu-Lian the Great Witch, who invented a huge lethal weapon ten thousand years ago, and after so many years of improvement, the power, distance and energy expression of bone cannon have been greatly improved.

Today\'s large-scale bone cannons cannot only be moved easily, but also can be fired continuously and control the distance, and fire, water, ice, soil, thunder, corrosion and other energy can be used.

According to the characteristics of these bone cannons, the Horn army also made various sharp combinations for various scenes.

But the development of things is not as good as the Horn-people.

The artillery and detonators that should have bombed the E-Lan Mountain were blowing up in midair. If the Horn-people army was not at certain distance from the E-Lan Mountain, the big bang might have made the Horn-people army suffer a big loss. Although the big loss hasn\'t been achieved, some of the Horn fighters in the front were affected at least.

However, the Red-Horn general had to order people to withdraw another 100 meters back.

"Those Hornless-men are ready, general. What\'s next?"

"Keep bombing! I don\'t believe they can defend against it forever!” This is the typical way that the Horn-people fought against the hornless demons, using the whole Horn-people\'s yuan-crystal accumulation and supply to last longer the other person\'s magic.

In order to prevent those hornless demons from sneaking attack on their own side, all the warriors participating in the war activated their own bone armor.

In the valley, Yan Mo grabbed the high-level yuan-crystal and prayed again: “May all the creatures in the mountain be protected."

The consumption of yuan-crystals was going very fast. It\'s not easy to protect all the creatures in the whole mountain under the dense and powerful bombardment.

Yuan Zhan cooperated with thirty-two of the demon warriors to speed up the transfer of plants and creatures in the mountains. He took the valley as the center, sinking the ground and sinking everything will greenery into it again. Now, except for the places where several people have settled down, there has been a deep pit in huge, in which Yuan Zhan transferred trees and plants.

A huge python led the way in front, followed by various animals and insects. These animals and insects are divided into two ways: one is to move far away, the other is to run to the valley sinkhole.

A small human faced bird in the sky made a stern cry, urging those with wings to leave the E-Lan Mountain range quickly.

A large number of ghosts gathered behind Si Tan, some of which even had a clear appearance.

The thirty-two demon warriors didn\'t understand why Mo Da-Ren had to spend so much time just to save the mountain creatures, nor did the young witch explain.

But when Mo Da-Ren opened his shield and really protected the whole mountain with his magic power, the 32 people who had a deep sense of security put down all the questions. The strong people always have their reasons for doing things, and it\'s better to follow a good witch than a cruel and indifferent one who only has his own heart. What\'s more, this Mo Da-Ren can protect them, instead of just asking them to fill his order with their lives.

Yuan Zhan is getting more and more comfortable using all kinds of energy. He felt that he has never been so energetic.

He used to think he was full of energy, but compared with the seemingly endless energy he had now, he is still far from having used up enough.

And this is not the end of him. He can feel that he only exerted a little energy from the four Godblood Stone. After he gradually absorbs and digests the four Godblood Stone, he can become more powerful.

As the surrounding creatures were moved into the valley, Yan Mo\'scircle of protection was shrinking.

In the eyes of the Horn-people who saw the mountains, it was their bombardment that finally crackled the defenses of the hornless demons.

The surrounding rocks were smashed and collapsed.

The Red-Horn general held back the excited command: “Go on! Increase attack! They can\'t support that shield!”

Yan Mo felt as if he had entered a strange state.

When he prayed to protect all the creatures in the mountain, he felt the gratitude of those creatures.

His belief points are increasing rapidly, and there are more and more light points around him. They actively rush into his body to supplement his energy consumption.

"Thank you." Yan Mo\'s eyes are slightly closed, and he gives thanks with his soul.

"... Thank you... You... "

"... With us... Come... "

"Where to?"


Yan Mo groupwas still standing and his eyes are still closed.

SiTan suddenly looked in the direction of Yan Mo, and the ghosts behind him turn their heads together at Yan Mo.

Yan Mo slowly drifted into the darkness with those light spots.

Yes, it\'s completely dark. He can\'t see anything from outside. But actually he can see everything.

"Where is this?"

“Everywhere...It\'s all... "

"What? What\'s everywhere?”

"... Energy... It\'s in your body… It\'s in your side... Everywhere... "

Yan Mo smiled. “I know that. Well, can you tell me where it is?”

“No! You haven\'t figured it out yet.” This sentence seems to be uttered by thousands of voices at the same time, which shocked Yan Mo\'s heart and soul.

“I didn\'t understand... What?" Yan Mo was confused.

“Energy... Everywhere... It\'s all. "

"Yes, I know that. I... Ah!"

It seems that the light dots can\'t bear it. They started to push him hard.

Yan Mo screamed and fell from the air into the dark center.

Yan Mo\'s body stopped and floated in the endless darkness.

But he saw something coming to him in the dark.

Yan Mo just wanted to avoid, "Don\'t be afraid Wait...” The thousand voices came out again.

Yan Mo resisted the instinctive fear and allowed the invisible but sensible things to flood into his body.

He didn\'t fear, he didn\'t doubt the light spots, but he knew instinctively that it would be a very important experience. As a nearly crazy researcher, what does it mean to test his own body? As long as those light spots have a 50% chance of not hurting him, he thinks that those light spots may not hurt him at least more than 70% chance.

A lot of... Let\'s call them particles. They rushed into his body and gradually concentrate on his pineal gland.

Yan Mo found that he can look inside his body. For example, now, he can see the dark pineal gland.

When the particles rush into the pineal gland, a lot of them were eaten by black hidden darkness, but one of them collided with something in the dark.

Obviously is just a small particle\'s unintentional impact, but his pineal body unexpectedly produced a huge explosion!

There is a black hole in the pinecone.

The black hole begins to rotate, sucks in a lot of energy, and then ejects, forming a bright and colorful cloud.

More and more particles are falling into the star cloud.

Some of the energies in the nebula is converged by something, and a dazzling star appears in his pineal gland.

"Stars come out... Capabilities now... "

Is that so? Yan Mo saw that the star emits a lot of energy, and that energy flows all over his body.

“Energy... Everywhere... "

"... Conversion... "

Transformation! Yan Mo\'s mind is like having a lightning strokes. He understands! He knew what the dots were going to tell him!

If we use the scientific knowledge he has learned before to understand, the whole universe is made up of some kind of basic material. One day, this kind of basic material collides with the other material and produces a new derivative material.

So there are basic materials and various elements.

In his previous life, some people called this basic material the mother matter, and some called it the dark matter.

For this kind of material which can\'t be developed or even seen in any way, people\'s research on it is still in theory.

Do you want to tell him that mother matter is omnipresent? If you want energy, you just need to convert it into energy you can use.

And the way to transform is to hit and explode, and then you can find the element energy you want from that explosion.

Yan Mo thought about the process of helping the people of Jiu Yuan to stimulate their ability to bloom. At that time, he didn\'t know the principle, but he found some characteristics in the study of these primitive people\'s human body: Their pineal gland didn\'t shrink.

Only people with abilities have surging energy in the pineal gland, which is extremely active. Without abilities, the pineal gland is a collection of dark matter, which makes people feel nothing inside.

Now combined with what he just saw, isn\'t the way he inspired the children of the Jiu Yuan equivalent to artificially helping those people send mother matter particles into their pineal gland, artificially stimulating those dead mother matter particles, and letting them crash and explode? As long as those particles collide successfully, the substance in the pineal gland will be activated (exploded), resulting in a collection of energy, namely "Stars".

After a long time, Yan Mo in reality opened his eyes.

For a moment, he seemed to be in a trance, but soon, he bent his lips in a smirk.

At this time, his eyes are as black as ink, without any light spot, which looked strange and abnormal. If it\'s a timid person, it\'s against his eyes, maybe he can shout that he is a demon in fear.

Yuan Zhan has been standing beside him for a while, “It\'s all done."

The first thing for Yan Mo is to look down at the high-level yuan-crystal he is holding. There are still more than half of them. The loss is much less than he expected.

"What happened to your eyes?"

Yan Mo raised his head and smiled at Yuan Zhan mysteriously, “A-Zhan, I found a better way to absorb the energy around me. If I succeed in my research, we will not need yuan-crystals in the future."

Yuan Zhan eyebrows rose when he heard that, "OK, let me know when you come out with your research. Besides, are your eyes going to be like this in the future?”

"What have they become?" Yan Mo couldn\'t see his eyes and raised his hand to touch them.

Yuan Zhan honestly said: “It\'s not ugly, but it\'s a little scary after starring at it a long time."

Yan Mo laughed, "When you go back to the Jiu Yuan, I\'ll teach you how to make a mirror. You can control the earth and the fire. As long as you get some more mercury, making a mirror is just a piece of cake for you. Oh, so I\'m afraid we can make glass as a sold product in addition to ceramic ware in the future. It\'s good. The Jiu Yuan has you as the chief."

Between the two joking, Si Tan jumped over: “All is ready, just waiting for you."

Yan Mo looked around and found that all the places except the stone pillars under their feet were sunken, which turned into a deep and invisible sinkhole.

Si Tan noticed Yan Mo\'s eyes, which contracted. This Mo Da-Ren It\'s the biggest mystery he had ever seen!

"OK, evacuate now. A-Zhan?” Yan Mo pulled a round bone plate out of the space.

Yuan Zhan\'s attention is focused on his feet. A large area of rock extends to connect with the stone pillars under the feet of all people, and became a stone slab to protect the sinkhole full of living things below.

Among the thirty-two demon warriors, there are also people who can control the earth, but seeing Yuan Zhan making such a large slate so easily and quickly, they felt a little dizzy. What level of warrior is this man now? Has he already surpassed advanced level?

After all this, Yuan Zhan said with a relaxed look: "OK, now as long as I leave, the surrounding hills will collapse inward, and the boulder board will protect the sinkhole below. After two days, I will move the stone board away, and the sinkhole below will see the sun again."

Yan Mo nodded, threw the bone plate to the foot, and lights a circle around the bone plate.

Si Tan and 32 other people look at the bone plate. What bone object is that?

Yan Mo waved and smiled: "Come here, everyone. Stand in this aperture. Don\'t be afraid. It\'s just Transmitter."

Si Tan: "Transmission? Just like the Horn-people\'s broken doors they use for escape?”

Yan Mo: “It\'s better than their one. It\'s the treasure that my ancestors gave me."

Hearing that it was given by the gods, other people’ looked at the bone plate different except Yuan Zhan.

No matter what these people think, Yan Mo jumped over and stood in the aperture. He went to the center of the bone plate, knelt down, realigned the coordinates according to the instructions of the map of the western continent, and installed four standard 4th rank yuan crystal coins according to the prompts. The energy consumption of the transmission door is determined by the transmission distance and transmission quality.

To do all this well, the young man stood up and stepped on the most central dot with his foot.

The aperture rose from the ground and covered everyone in the aperture.

In a blink of an eye, it\'s really in a blink of an eye, the people in the aperture and the bone disc have all disappeared!


The Horn-people\'s shelling fell on the mountain wall outside the valley.

The walls of the mountain collapsed, but all the earth and stones fell on a huge slate, covering the living things below.

"There is no protective cover! Those hornless demons can\'t resist at last! Ha ha ha!” Seeing that the E-Lan Mountain was finally blasted to the ground by him, the Red-Horn commander laughed proudly, waved his hand," shoot the corrosive gun, then the ice gun!”

A large number of ice balls covered the whole site of the original E-Lan Mountain, and the smoke and dust in the mountain were all lowered by the first big water. Now the E-Lan Mountain is almost flat at a glance.

“Go in! Find me all those hornless insects!”

As the aperture landed, a group of people standing in a circle suddenly appear near the Xiayuan Abyss Lake of the Demon Abyss.

"Who is it?" the patrolman approached this side warily at once, and at the same time sent out an alarm.

Yan Mo, Yuan Zhan and Jiu Feng are OK. The other 33 people, except Si Tan, can still stand. The other 32 people all squat there and vomited wildly.

“Are you all here? I have an important message for them.” Yan Mo stepped forward.

"You?" the patrol recognized Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan.

"Witch Mo Da-Ren!" a surprise screamed in the distance, and Hou Shi rushed over with a group of people. "Why are you here? I was going to take them to the Horn-people the King’s City!”

The Horn-people\'s army searched the E-Lan Mountain site for a whole day without finding any remains.

Some people suspect that the hornless demons have all escaped, while others believe that they have all died under bombardment.

The Red-Horn general went back to report to the top: "The E-Lan Mountain has been surrounded by our people, and there arebone objects detection in the sky. Our people only saw a group of birds and animals escaping from the E-Lan Mountain in fear, but not a human figure."

"So, are you sure they\'re dead?" asked Hu Yuan, one of the remaining Great Witches of the Red-Horn clan, except Hu-De, who was in the eastern continent.

The Red-Horn general is not a fool either. He said tactfully, “I can only say that we searched the neighborhood with all our strength, and did not see them leave no matter underground, on the ground or in the sky."

"What do you think?" Hu Yuan looked at the other Red-Horn aristocrats.

Yuan Zhou doesn\'t speak, and his wife keeps murmuring in silence. Other Red-Horn nobles also have eyes, nose and heart.

Now the highest ranking Duke of the Red-Horn, Si-Dewen, was reluctant to go out for fear of an assassination, so he said: “No matter what happened to those hornless demons, the E-Lan Mountain is flat, so we don\'t need to spend our power on hornless insects for the moment. At present, the most important thing is to find the missing majesty and the mysterious person who took his majesty away, which is what we urgently need to do. "

Yuan Zhou\'s wife, who is also the leader of the King’s City guard, nodded: “Agree."

With a kind smile, the two of them said to Hu Yuan, “Now that your majesty is missing, Queen is gone. Although we hid the news, we can\'t hide it for too long. After all, there were too many people who saw his majesty go missing at the gate of the city, and the other two clans groups were also staring at us. Hu Yuan is a Great Witch. Headless snakes don’t scare people. I wonder if Priest Da-Ren has any instructions for this. And my Red-Horn clan are in urgent need of Priest Da-Ren\'s appearance to reassure the people!”

Hu Yuan, a Great Witch, has no idea how many times he has gone to see the high priest Hu-Lian. However, those internal attendants always say that the high priest is not there. He also called him with secret methods, but the other side has no response.

Hu Yuan has a bad feeling about this, but he dare not say anything. Half of the reason why the other two clans have to bear their suppression tactics depends on the Red-Horn clan\'s eyesight, is that the Red-Horn clan has the favorite, the priest, who has lived for many years.

If you let people outside know that something happened to Hu-Lian

Will the other two families let them survive?

Let\'s not talk about how the Red-Horn clan and the Horn-people of the other two families are concerned about internal and external problems and fight openly and secretly.

The Hornless-men here, led by Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan, seemed to hide all of a sudden and didn\'t show up for three days.

The little White-Horn boy Sumen was walking around his room in the temple, thinking about Shifu and Jiu Feng.

“Sumen.” Familiar mild laughter came.

Sumen\'s little face immediately bloomed with joy, "Shifu!"

Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan emerge from the ground. Yan Mo picked up Sumen and kissed him. "Shifu is going to take you away. In a short time, you won\'t be able to see the White-Horn clan again. Are you sure you want to go with Shifu?"

Sumen nodded hard and held Yan Mo\'s neck. "Shifu, where are you, is where am I."

“Good!" Yan Mo touched the child. "Tomorrow we will get to finalize things about this place and leave at night. Do you have people and things you want to take away?”

Sumen shook his head, but a thick man\'s voice came from the door: "Sumen, if you want to leave, please remember to take me."

Yan Mo didn\'t make any special sound insulation, and it\'s no surprise that people outside the door would hear them talking, and it\'s already given them respect that they didn\'t immediately push the door in.

Sumen whispered to Shifu, "That\'s Sangye, the warrior who protects me."

Yan Mo was still impressed by the warrior who sankmo. he asked his apprentice in a low voice, "Do you want to take him with you?"

Sumen hesitated.

Yan Mo understood that the warrior named Sangye had gained the trust of Sumen. "Then take him. I remember that the temple-servant A-Li is also good. You can take the twenty-four temple-servant and warriors that the temple gave you before. With these twenty or so people, I, the Jiu Yuan, can support you, and you, the White-Horn clan, can rest assured."

"There are twenty-three. Du Ke is a spy. He is dead." A serious little Sumen said, he told him Shifu that he didn\'t want to take so many people, just Sangye.

Yan Mo patted him and decided for him. As a child, he didn\'t want Sumen to grow up and feel like he deliberately stopped the White-Horn from approaching him.

When Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan left the White-Horn clan temple, they took 23 of the White-Horn clan and the cost of living they needed for ten years.

Hu Yuan, the Great Witch of Red-Horn, is very upset.

There were so many things happened in this period of time, as well as the strange sky that night. After investigation, according to a few witnesses, the falling stars fell into the E-Lan Mountain that day.

But on the morning after those stars fell, the Red-Horn clan took two other clans to bombard the E-Lan Mountain and even flattened it out.

Why did the stars land? And why land in the E-Lan Mountain?

What are the stars now? Where did they go?

Why didn\'t the high priest Hu-Lian show up all the time, while his sacrifice to the Pan\'a God brought a sign of doom?

The next day came soon.

The sky just faded.

“Great Witch!" The temple-servant stumbled into the Shentu City temple and shouted.

"Quiet! What\'s the matter with you?” There\'s an advanced level of the temple-servant and it\'s just the temple-servant.

The intermediate level the temple-servant, with a look of panic, pointed to the outside, and trembled, "Da-Ren, the three cities... East...The E-Lan Mountain, the site of the E-Lan Mountain that was demolished, grew a high mountain overnight, a very high mountain! The top of the mountain is in the sky!”


The same report has appeared in the other two cities and the Horn-people forces nearby.

Almost everyone in the neighborhood can walk out of the door and see the “Mountain" shaped, towering huge rock mountain.

The mountain is really too high, especially the one in the middle, so high that you can\'t see it when you look up. On the other two peaks, you can see the obvious Fortress Buildings.

The most terrible thing is that this mountain and the buildings on it are still “Growing". Although they can\'t be seen by the naked eye, if you wait patiently for a while and a half, you will find the difference between them.

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