Beast Evolution

Chapter 64 64 Sofia's Slice Of Life

"Well I didn\'t, I didn\'t even want to become a knight" Sofia shouted.

"Then why did you apply for the knight school" Ray asked her.

"I wanted to prove my family wrong" Sofia said.

"About what?"

"To prove to them that I am useful" Sofia said softly.

"Useful, what does that means" Ivan asked her.

"Do you know what it\'s like growing up in a house where everyone is a mage except you..." Sofia said.

"I am the only one in the house of Magus that can\'t use magic, so I\'m a useless child" Sofia said with tears in her eyes.

"I\'m sorry, we won\'t question you again" Ivan quickly said.

"I\'m also sorry for bugging you about your rank" Ray apologized.

"It\'s okay, if you train well you can be a really good knight" Leia said.

"How can I be a good knight I can\'t do anything, I thought I was good at using a bow, but it turns out am really bad at it too" Sofia had started crying now.

"I\'m sorry" Sofia said and wanted to leave the room then Leia stopped her.

"You don\'t know that yet, we are first year students just starting the bullmar academy, do you think you wouldn\'t be good at using a bow if you train to use it" Leia said.

"I don\'t know if I will ever be good at using it"

"Practice first and then you can decide if you can or can\'t" Ivan said.

Sofia sat down with Leia on her bed and wiped her tears, "I don\'t know if I can improve but I will try" Sofia said.

"Why not, at least you passed the knight academy first test" Ray said.

"Well... technically I didn\'t pass the first test"

"What does that mean, did the knights made a mistake then?" Ivan asked.

"No I cheated and was lucky that\'s all" Sofia said.

"You cheated, how did you cheat, it was a free for all and all the students were teleported to random locations in the arena, there is no way you can cheat" Leia said.

"You guys can\'t tell anyone alright.."

"Okay" they all said it.

"I feel ashamed to say it, but I paid two girls to apply in the knight academy with me so that they would protect me"

"What... really" Ivan was surprised, Ray and Leia were also surprised.

"Yes and during the knight academy test, they acted as my shield and protected me, I was just lucky both of them were teleported to the same location as me or else I wouldn\'t be here and luckily both of them were eliminated in the last stage, so before anyone could come after me the test was already over".

"If you really have no skills in sword handling, why did you join the knight academy?" Leia asked.

"I told you I wanted to prove my family wrong, you didn\'t know what I went through" Sofia said.

"When I was 15 years of age, my parents, my brothers and sisters waited for my magical attribute to manifest, they even argued among themselves about which attribute I would get, but after two months nothing happened"

"My dad is a senior mage at the mage academy so he took me there to check what was wrong, then he found out that I had no Mana affinity and that I can\'t become a mage"

"That was when hell started for me" Sofia was sorrowful as she talked about her life.

"My dad, my brothers and sisters treated me like trash, they would always insult me saying I\'m a curse and don\'t deserve to carry the family name"

"What about your mum" Ivan asked, "your mum would never treat you bad right?"

"Yes she didn\'t, but she didn\'t stop my siblings from treating me bad, then when I was 17 my dad said he had found a suitable husband for me and I should prepare to get married."

"I couldn\'t complain cause I was afraid but a night before the wedding I ran away from home, I came back after ten days when everything has been cancelled"

"My dad was furious and chased me out of the house saying if I have no use that I should leave his house..."

"I pleaded on my knees begging my father to forgive me but he didn\'t answer me, my mum begged him and he told her that if I refuse to get married I should leave his house."

"I was very angry, then I shouted that I\'m going to join the knight academy"

"My dad was shocked as well as everyone in my household, then he asked me if am sure, and I told him yes"

"A personal trainer was hired to train me before the entrance exam, then my dad and my siblings got off my back as I started training, things got better a little"

"But I wasn\'t improving, the trainer would lie to my dad that I was getting better at using a sword and a bow but truthfully I wasn\'t"

"And now am in the knight academy" Sofia explained.

"That\'s sad, Noble family are really tough to live in if you aren\'t a genius" Ivan said.

"So what are you going to do now?" Leia asked her.

"I don\'t know but I want to be transferred to the archery class, at least I can learn to shoot arrows" Sofia said.

"Wait, I thought you were already in the archery class, then which class are you in?" Ray questioned.

"I\'m in the swords class on probation" Sofia said with shame.

"I\'m also on probation, but you should apply for change of class and tell them that you want to go to the archery class" Ray said.

"You\'re on probation..." Leia said cause she was surprised.

"Yes, I didn\'t really take the test so that\'s why"

"Why did you talk rudely to a senior knight you deserve it" Leia said.

"That\'s none of your business, but you should be very careful, because your rank won\'t last, I\'m coming for you" Ray said jokingly.

"Really, what does 103 and 3 have in common" Leia said.

"They both end with a 3" Ivan said and all of them burst into laughter.

"Sofia, it going to get better don\'t worry" Leia said to her.

"Thanks" Sofia said softly.

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