Hell App (Web Novel CN)

Chapter 71: Math Class

Soon, he picked up the last ‘bean’ at the bottom of the jar.

And, when the last ‘bean’ fell inside the filled glass jar, all of the heads stopped moving and didn’t continue to make their loud wails anymore.

Moreover, since Bai Yan poked their eyes and made them blind, right now, they couldn’t use any means to glare bitterly at him, only being able to expressionlessly and obediently stay inside the filled jar. They were just stacked on top of each other as if their rage had been lost.

‘Slithers’ “I lost one dessert.”

The female ghost slowly extended her lengthy tongue, regretfully licking her dry lips.

These malicious ghosts seemed to be bound to this dreadful cellar and couldn’t wantonly kill humans.

He, Tom, was as good as dead and was fated to become the female ghost’s chewy snack. So, he… still needed to learn from the two Eastern players’ cruelty and use a similarly inhumane method.

In all honesty, Tom didn’t want to do this either.

As a humanitarian, he cherished animals and naturally, also didn’t want to imitate such a cruel way to use against his former co-player.

However, as a person who came from country A and who didn’t possess the slightest interest in Eastern culture——He, couldn’t use chopsticks!

He had never eaten a Chinese meal before, and when he saw the pinching beans game, his heart nearly crumbled to dust from distress.

Fortunately, this ‘pinching beans’ game didn’t absolutely require them to pinch in one manner. So long as the two sticks were together, impaling the ‘beans’ was also counted as being pinched.

He was a klutz when it came to handling chopsticks but was quite familiar with using forks.

Tom drew a cross on his chest as his mouth muttered something incoherent as if he was asking God to bless the fallen players inside the jar.

Before long, Tom had also finished the ‘beans.’

When the last ‘bean’ fell into the jar, the iron doors suddenly creaked open.

As the iron doors were opening, the ground was full of black hair that began to move crazily as if it were trying to undo a seal.

Seeing the hair that covered the female ghost’s front slowly disperse from both sides, the three people’s hearts jumped, resulting in them to hurriedly leave the room from fear of seeing the female ghost’s treacherous face.

None of them wanted to bet if they’d get killed once the female ghost’s face was fully exposed.

Once Tom also left the room, the iron doors automatically moved and closed with a disturbing ‘clang.’

Outside the door, there wasn’t a single sight of another player’s figure.

The three raised their heads and saw that the darkness that was once on top of the stairs had already spread down. It would soon turn the corner, engulfing the remaining stairs.

Seeing this scene, they too didn’t want to wait for the other players and rushed to follow the stairs down.

After running for around a minute, a floor appeared ahead of the steps.

On this floor, there stood the players that they saw not too long ago and also Liu Xiyu inside.

The three hastened their pace to rendezvous with the others. Bai Yan raised his head as his eyes saw a painting on the floor—— This was the -7th floor.

The floor before was just the -1st floor, so how could this floor become the -7th floor?

Bai Yan thought that this staircase’s arrangement was problematic, but with the notion of this being a dream, he felt that reason didn’t play an important role.

In dreams, the first second, you’re still standing inside a house, but the next, you’re maybe thrown into a large rabbit hole. After that, you could find yourself suddenly emerging into a sullen police station.

In dreams, anything that appeared wouldn’t be odd to the dream’s owner since their brain would naturally make them believe that it was all normal.

Liu Xiyu was just standing there in the middle of the crowd. Bai Yan shot a glance at her and felt that she still wasn’t about to wake up.

Moving on to more important matters, he counted the remaining people left, and not including Liu Xiyu, there were still nine players here.

So, a total of two players died on -1st floor.

Listening to the claims of the players surrounding him, the dead nameless players were in the room with Liu Xiyu.

According to them, Liu Xiyu was arranged to be the last person to play by the ghost, and when it was her turn, the players ahead of her had already stepped on all of the mines there, so she effortlessly cleared the game and didn’t experience the slightest problem.

“If the app is still making us protect her, isn’t like this studying with the prince(1)?”

  1. In ancient times, it means to accompany someone when reading. The ancient prince was a person who went to school that got too boring and lonely. Therefore, the royal family found a person to accompany the prince to read. The purpose is not to make the prince learn well but to find a companion for the prince. So, people call the role of supporting the prince ‘to study with the prince.’

A player ridiculed the situation in whispers. Liu Xiyu turned a deaf ear to this, but no one knew whether it was the app’s censorship, her not hearing it, or her simply not paying any mind to it.

Everyone stood on the -7th floor to exchange information, getting a general understanding of what happened inside the other rooms.

After their exchanges, they saw the dense dark fog quickly pursuing them, promptly entering the room.

This time, everybody didn’t need to think long and hard about it.

Because, on the -7th floor, there was only one iron door available in the middle of the cellar.

Everyone entered the door in succession and what appeared in front of their eyes was an ordinary classroom.

The classroom had electric lights, electric fans, and also around 50 tables and chairs. Each table contained a pile of all kinds of books and stationery.

At the front of the classroom, a teacher was standing on the platform and writing on the blackboard with red chalk, his back facing everyone.

The writings on the blackboard were quite peculiar. They were a variety of odd mathematical symbols.

Among the group of players, there was a graduate student from the Mathematics Department, but even he still had to admit that he had never seen these symbols before. They appeared to be another world’s characters.

“Teacher, Teacher Zhang!”

While everybody was busy wagging their tongues, Liu Xiyu suddenly cried out.

Immediately, all of their attention was concentrated on her.

“What’s the matter? Do you know this person? Have you met this person in your dreams before?” The crew-cut man asked.

“No, T… Teacher Zhang is my math teacher…”

Liu Xiyu stammered her reply, and the people present there immediately understood.

Bai Yan gazed at Teacher Zhang’s back. This person looked like a normal teacher.

As expected, Bai Yan wouldn’t immediately assume that the app would let them go this easily. He thought that this Teacher Zhang was surely turned into a horrifying ghost, sent there to torment them.

He peered back at Liu Xiyu. The young girl was trembling uncontrollably as if she feared Teacher Zhang.

Reasons and morals were secondary in dreams, but perhaps in her real life, she was also terribly afraid of this ‘Teacher Zhang.’

Thinking about him by day and dreaming about him by night.

After sorting through Liu Xiyu’s reaction, Bai Yan believed that this dreadful cellar game could be related to Liu Xiyu’s most recent experiences in real life?

Maybe she was taught by Teacher Zhang during the day, and then she would dream about this old geezer at night.

As for the pinching beans game just now… She probably ate some beans earlier in the day?

When Bai Yan was silently observing Liu Xiyu, he also didn’t forget to examine every inch and corner of the classroom.

However, Ye Shangyu’s catch was obviously faster.

She flipped over the school desk and out came a palm. As she immediately threw it away, she urgently told everyone, “Quick! Everyone help! There’s something on the desks!”

Seeing the dismembered hand that she just threw away from the desk, everyone’s pupils contracted from shock, all realizing something.

As a result, the originally grouped people dispersed in a matter of seconds. They scoured every desk and momentarily found eyeballs, dismembered hands, ears… Every person found quite a few of these and pooled them together in the same table, forming a huge pile.

While everyone was in a frenzy searching for these, Teacher Zhang’s writing sounds on the blackboard suddenly ceased.

He stopped writing and unhurriedly turned his head around.

The instant he turned his head around, the people who saw his face became shocked.

This Teacher Zhang, his facial features were unexpectedly all upside down!

His thin mouth was placed on top of his bulby nose, while his slit-like eyes were below it.

What was stranger was that his mouth was curving upwards as if he was giving everyone a pleasant smile.

However, if you turned his head upside down, you would discover that this Teacher Zhang’s expression was even weirder than what they initially assessed.

He wasn’t smiling. With the overcast look on his disturbing face and his thin mouth slightly ajar, his face showed that he was drooling with desire!

This hungry look that he was using on his students was clearly how someone would look at a group of pigs that were about to become slaughtered livestock!

Even though they’ve seen numerous malicious ghosts in this game before, for many of the players, it was their first time seeing an expression Teacher Zhang had.

Yet, some mentally stronger players were still persistently inspecting the tables, making sure that there weren’t any more hidden items.

Hearing the classroom fill with hustling and bustling noises, Teacher Zhang split open his mouth, his face turning gloomier than ever.

He scanned the classroom and suddenly said in a miserable tone, “Class is in session and still, there are some students that keep moving around in their seats and doing as they wish, even whispering into each other’s ears. Do you still know student decorum?!”

Teacher Zhang’s harsh voice fell, and the players, who were busy rummaging through the desks, immediately froze.

However, there was still a player who was unwilling to give up, worrying that they’ll miss something big if they don’t keep searching the desks, quietly explaining, “Teacher, you’ve misunderstood. We’re trying to look for stationery to use in class…”

Teacher Zhang’s stern voice sharply interrupted him, without letting him finish what he was saying, “How dare you be insubordinate!!!”

“How dare you! How dare you talk back to a teacher!!”

“Is this how you second-class students treat your teacher?!”

Teacher Zhang revealed a cold wretched smile and hurled the red chalk in his hands without any trouble, running through the hand of the smart-mouthed player in the next second.

The red chalk was like an iron nail, fixating the student’s hand firmly onto the study desk and causing him to want to let out a painful scream.

But seeing how viciously Teacher Zhang glared at him, the player could only grit his teeth and firmly stop the screams that were about to run out his mouth.

After graduating from school for a long time, he had forgotten that on campus, no matter what the situation was, students should never challenge a teacher’s authority!

And in the classroom, you couldn’t talk back to the teacher, nor could you also make a big fuss.

The experience of this hapless player gave all the players a wake-up call.

The context of this little game was to be played in a classroom. In that case, they should all obediently abide by the classroom rules.

Because of what Teacher Zhang had said just now, all the players shut their mouths and stood at their places motionlessly. They fixed their gazes onto the teacher to not let him give them another lecture that would make them follow in the footsteps of the man from earlier.

Seeing that all the students’ attention was on him, Teacher Zhang’s mouth slowly opened, showing off sawtooth-shaped fangs.

“Everyone quiet? Good then. Let us begin class! The boy wearing red, come up here and answer this question on the board!”

The red-clothed player fearfully stared at the blackboard, seeing the densely packed mathematical symbols and not having a clue when they transformed into simple yet still bizarre text.

Teacher Zhang pointed exactly at the spot where a drawing that looked like a palm was.

As he saw the red-clothed player’s face fall, Teacher Zhang evilly snickered, “Come up and use the red chalk to write. In this particular classroom, how many total dismembered hands are there?”

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